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How do you measure success?


Do you measure your success by what you earn, what you own or what you have? Or by how happy you are, how much you enjoy each day or how you live your life?

It can be easy to focus our worth on the things external to us, but the truth, is nice as they are they are not part of us. How we chose to live our lives and who we choose to be while we do it on the other hand is, and the magic is it is completely within your own control.

We are conditioned from a young age to focus on the reward rather than the process, as children this can lead us into ignoring or feeling shameful about the effort it has taken to achieve something, with value seemingly being added to an achievement through it being easy. And as adults it can lock us into jobs, and lives that day to day make is miserable simply because the ‘right’ reward or salary is there and it seems impossible or improbable that you could not want to keep that.

You may be wondering why on earth was she getting me to think about my vision or goal a few weeks ago when the goal is such an issue??

And while I encourage you to dream big with your vison – and by the way there is nothing wrong with that vision being a big house and salary to match if that’s what lights you up - what I invite you to think about when you are reaching for your dreams is your why.

Why do you want that big vision because that is the key to who you choose to be as you get there.

My big vision is to support people to see their own value, to feel comfortable in their own uniqueness and to be bold and brave to live a life that they want. My why is that I get joy from connecting people to the life they want to live.

I could measure my success by how many clients I have and that is an external measure. What I choose to measure my success by is how I show up, how bold I am reaching out and serving people. My focus on that keeps my measure of success 100% in my own control.

Who do you choose to be when you are working towards your goals? You may choose to be bold, brave or you may choose to invite ease and flow in. Whatever it is by changing your focus you get to bring your why and your measure of success from a future goal into right now.

If it feels big just try it for today, or even the next hour … whatever helps you take the first step… and don’t worry if you falter or respond in a way you would prefer not to… you can release the story about it needing to be perfect, be compassionate to yourself, showing up imperfectly trying, that is everything.

I committed to my coach this week to show up more boldly, to reach out and connect with more people and serve them, so I am choosing to start that now and connect to my why more fully and I know there will be days I still hide and that’s ok.

I would love to hear who you will choose to commit to being while you live your beautiful life … and if this resonates and you would like to go deeper I would love you to grab a free possibility call to explore how you can bring a deeper connection to who you choose to be into your life now.

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