For the past few weeks I have been inviting you to take some gentle action to begin to get clear about what you are seeking to create in 2024 starting with getting clear on the value you bring.
Bold action is born from stable foundations – a belief that you are enough.
I often hear people talking about change being dramatic... a single event... huge impact… whole body shaking… lightbulb moments that change everything forever. It can be difficult when we see this happening for others not to tell a story that we might not be doing it right… what’s wrong with me??
And what I know to be true is that change can be beautifully gentle too.
I have been working with some of my clients recently with breathwork, if this is something new to you, it is a powerful method to support the release of energy trapped in the body, it can be dramatic and it can also be gentle.
During a programme of gentle breathwork sessions over the past few weeks to release anxiety my client connected to an overwhelming sense of trust that she was strong enough. She no longer believed the story her anxious thoughts were telling her, she described an inner flame ignited.
This was not a one session thing but by consistently taking action through our coaching and breathwork she was able to connect to something new, a version of herself that was always there within her.
So this week I invite you not to get stuck in any comparison on others journeys, we are still in winter where our bodies can be called to slow down… so take some space to breathe. Our breath is the quickest way to connect us to the present moment … away from ruminating on the past… or worrying about the future
You can do it your way... there are lots of options available to you, perhaps simply by sitting and noticing the rhythm of your breath… or using breath exercises such as box breathing... through meditation or if you are interested in trying some facilitated breathwork to create a shift I would love to hear from you.
Through connecting to your breath this week I invite you to set an intention to create the space to connect back to you… connecting to trust and certainty that things are going to change and dissociating from any stories about how this ‘needs’ to look (I will be talking more about the power of small consistent action next week)