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Are you?

Constantly doubting yourself, sitting in meetings wondering how everyone else seems to have it all together?

Wondering when the moment will come when you are 'found out' 

Are you?

Working extra hours every week chasing a sense of satisfaction that you have done enough... which feels always just out of reach?


Are you? 

Feeling like you are on a merry-go round, out of control and you know you want something different... but need to take that first step? 




8 weekly teachings designed to support you move from feeling surviving to thriving and  finally enjoying the life you have worked so hard for.


You will also have 3 1:1 Coaching Sessions with me to support you to get the the root cause of what is holding you back, be truly seen and heard and work together to build a tailored plan to support you. 


Each week will be move through steps using tried and tested tools to reset your;

  • State; your emotional and physical balance to support you through change


  • Stories; the things that hold you back are often unconscious, without releasing these we can be pulled back to where things where- think about trying to launch a hot air balloon without releasing the weights 


  • Strategy; often the thing people try first, but while still in limiting thinking things can feel impossible.  Doing work to reset your state and release the weight of old stories will leave you ready for massive action. ​

Online Meeting


Pre Course: Introduction to the Felt Sense; why we can feel disconnected from

ourselves and how to begin to listen to the wisdom of the body.


Week One: Emotional Alchemy; if you have ever felt out of control emotionally or struggled hard to fight an emotional response it can sometimes feel like our emotions are working against us. In week one we explore the real language of our emotions and how to respond to best meet our needs.


Week Two: Changing your State; if life feels like it is happening to you, that you are often a victim of that is going on around you, in week two we explore how you can take action to change your state in order to support you respond in a way that supports your goals.


Week Three: Identifying Stories; what are the stories you are telling yourself that are shaping your reality, maybe you believe success takes struggle or that good things don't happen to people like you. In week three we identify the stories we tell ourselves and how we can shape a new reality.


Week Four: Identifying the Dream; if you struggle to get clear on what you really want you are not alone. We can often know what we don’t want but thinking about what we do want can feel overwhelming. In week four we take a step by step process to clarify what great looks like for you.


Week Five: Upper Limits; why do we pick a fight when things are going well in a relationship, or worry about everything that can go wrong when everything is going right? In week five we examine your inner limit for how good things can get and how to turn up the dial for all the good stuff.


Week Six: Manifestation; take your pick this can be about tapping into a universal source or getting clear on a process and taking consistent action to get you there. Which ever floats your boat getting into the energy of certainly is what this is all about. In week six I will support you to build your strategy to reach your goals.


 Week Seven: Self Compassion; if you find yourself mercilessly judging and criticizing yourself for perceived inadequacies or shortcomings in week seven we will be developing the skills to give yourself the same compassion you’d naturally show a friend when they are struggling., supporting you to keep group even when times get tough.


Week Eight: Showing up; sometimes even when we are clear on what we want we don’t show up bravely. We make decisions that undermine our goals or take action that rejects ourselves. In the final week we explore how to take radical responsibility and back yourself to your best life.


Next cohort starts 5 February 


Gold package £500

Platinum Package £700 (includes 3 additional 1:1 coaching calls, with option to come to me for some bodywork to supplement the coaching)


Contact me for payment plans either

  • Gold package 3x £180 or 8 x £70 

  • Platinum package 3 x £250 or 8 x £95


FREE MasterClass!
Next date tbc 
Join me to discover my key steps to support you to Bin the Burnout and connect to the best version of yourself without having to change who you are!  
This session will be packed with valuable content to support you to take your next step.

Click the button below to be notified about the next date 

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If you are interested in finding out more get in touch for more details 

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